19th century

the archivist April 22, 2006

Nuits de juin Victor Hugo L’été, lorsque le jour a fui, de fleurs couverte La plaine verse au loin un parfum enivrant ; Les yeux fermés, l’oreille aux rumeurs entrouverte, On ne dort qu’à demi d’un sommeil transparent. Les astres sont plus purs, l’ombre paraît meilleure ; Un vague demi-jour teint le dôme éternel ; […]

the archivist April 22, 2006

Song: Rarely, rarely, comest thou Percy Bysshe Shelley Rarely, rarely, comest thou, Spirit of Delight! Wherefore hast thou left me now Many a day and night? Many a weary night and day ‘Tis since thou are fled away. How shall ever one like me Win thee back again? With the joyous and the free Thou […]

the archivist April 19, 2006

Compensation Frances Ridley Havergal Oh, the compensating springs! Oh, the balance-wheels of life, Hidden away in the workings under the seeming strife! Slowing the fret and the friction, weighting the whirl and the force, Evolving the truest power from each unconscious source. How shall we gauge the whole, who can only guess a part? How […]